Thursday, January 29, 2015

The New Drunk Drivers Have Hoisted The Flag

I had a horrible dream the night before last. I dreamt I was eating used staples and paperclips. It was pretty bad, since it was very vivid. Hell, it was serious enough that it woke me up. That's not common for me until very early in the morning. I'm still a little freaked about it even though I remember very little about it. Sorry if I made you freaked too.

Flickr user Madbuster75

Then I had two different dreams this morning about being at the mall, of all places. In the first I was buying something that looked like gelato, then I was back for some kind of live music show. These weren't so bad. It seemed to be Monroeville Mall, actually. The second part actually felt like I was watching a performance for one of the late-night shows, come to think of it. There were two acts that played, but I don't remember anything else about them. Actually, I do remember one of the lead singers looking at me. I wonder if that means anything.

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