Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pirouette Down Palsied Paths, With Pennies For The Vendor

I think it was Thursday that I had two dreams in the morning. The first I'm not going to relate here; as it was too bizarre for me to be comfortable sharing it. When you're both the protagonist and the audience at the same time, it gets a little disconcerting.

The second is still very strange, but better by the telling, and I watched this one like a movie trailer. Way easier to describe. Apparently evil wizards and evil hackers teamed up to take over the world, and as a result good wizards and Interpol, or Scotland Yard, or la Sûreté had to take them down. It was all incomprehensibly Harry Potter-meets-Harry Callahan and then shit goes BANG action.

I'm still not sure why there was a 90's-body Dodge Ram being driven through the facade of Waterloo Station. Do they even sell the Ram in the U.K.?

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